Town of Foxborough
Employees keep town services up while working from home during health crisis using cloud-based collaboration, meeting and Unified Communications tool.
- Country: United States Of America
- Industry: Government
- Solution: Rainbow, Digital Dividends
The Town of Foxborough is a suburban area near Boston, Massachusetts serving 17,000 residents, along with Gillette Stadium, a large arena for concerts and the local National Football League team.
At the onset of the 2020 global health crisis, the Town of Foxborough was met with the challenge of keeping its community informed while enabling nearly 200 employees to keep the town and services operational, even when working from home.
The town recognized the need to act quickly to let municipal employees work remotely. They wanted something more than a “one trick” video meeting tool. They were seeking something that would enable file sharing, instant messaging and community to save employees from feeling isolated. The ideal solution would be easy to deploy and manage, easy to access and even easier for users to adopt.
Over the years, Foxborough has worked with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise to create an advanced communications network, one that includes linking buildings and departments with IP telephony, and providing an emergency notification system across its schools. The IT department had begun using Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow™ cloud-based collaboration and meeting solution amongst the small group to stay connected while on-the-go.
Adding Rainbow to the larger group of employees was an easy overlay deployment. Rainbow enabled the Town to offer employees a virtual office communications environment to work from home. It also let the Town continue to deliver residential services, collaborate during planning meetings and host internal board meetings.
The adoption of Rainbow has continued even as some select employees have returned to the municipal buildings while others continue to work remotely.
Technical benefits
- Cloud-based collaboration, meeting, and Unified Communications tool
- Rainbow software accessible as desktop client or via browser
- Calls for employees go through business number, remove sharing of private cell
- Real-time communications between employees
Financial benefits
- Improving productivity with Rainbow
- Decision making process streamlined with messaging and other real-time interactions
User experience benefits
- Keeps employees connected to main office while in the field
- Employees of school aged children continue to work from home
- Ease of file sharing is solid workaround for limits on email file size
- Use of .gifs provides humor and a connection amongst employees during trying times
- Town considering possibilities for further use of Rainbow amongst staff and residents
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Town of Foxborough short case study
Employees keep town services up while working from home during health crisis using cloud-based collaboration, meeting and Unified Communications tool.